Monday, September 2, 2013

Jumping from Place to Place

Since yesterday, I am finished with the woodwork in the hallway.  I need to get some supplies from the studio as my roller and pan are there.  See I even jump around from place to place.

We were talking about tile, and back splashes.  Here is an interesting bit done with tile on a floor to separate one tile from another:

The pinkish orange tile is in the kitchen and the white tile is in the areas around the kitchen.  The use of the tumbled marble in diamond shape gives a great transition from on to the other.  This can be done on wood floors also.  Once you see something, sometimes you can't get it out of your mind.

Have you ever seen something you absolutely loved and couldn't afford it no matter what.  You can always improvise.  Again, just ask a professional.

As  I was taking a tea break, I picked up an older Oprah Magazine and one of the articles, was extremely interesting to me.  It started out, " Someone is trying to tell you something, and that someone is you.  Your intuition is the wisest adviser you'll ever have, and what it says - about what you should do, what you should not do, and how you should live your life-can change everything".

What a powerful phrase.  It has to do with every part of your life.  Even when it comes to design.  Remember, I said you really don't buy things you don't like, that is your inner self taking over.  It's like putting on an outfit, and you look at yourself and march right back to your closet and get something else.

Have you ever walked into someone else's house and thought of all the things you could do different?  If it is a good friend, would you tell them?  As a designer, I don't.  I compliment the things I like. Now if I am on a consultation, then I do.  Your taste is very personal, and a trained designer can tell it as soon as she walks in your door.

What is your taste, or are you still developing one????

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