Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bits of before and after

I've been talking before and after areas.  I showed you some before pictures of a hall in my house that I am dong.
To refresh your memory:

This was the old ceiling fixture.

This is one wall of the hall.
This is another wall!
This is he third wall.  As you can see the walls are pale gold in color, and the ceiling is white.
The lighting is recessed.  I want it to look fresh and new.  The first thing is to paint the walls  all white.  It has to set for a few days because I want to stripe it pale blue.  So I need to tape in the stripes. 
Here is the new fixture:
We had to add a ceiling molding to the light so it could cover the hole.  It is much more traditional with a hint of the gilded age.
Tomorrow, white walls.  I want you to know that I used the same white paint I used in the pool bath because of the wash ability.  In the pool bath because there is only one door and it is glass with a blind, and lavender tile, (not my choice), the walls look pink.
See the color, it is reflected from the floor..  Tomorrow, white, white walls, as the woodwork and the tile are white.
Always remember color reflection!!!!!!!!!!!

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