Friday, September 13, 2013

How to Re-Arrange Your Room

Does your home have an architectural plan?  By this I mean niches, curves, fireplace, doorways with arches, pillars inside, moldings in different places, anything that is different than plain walls.

You need to work out your furniture arrangement around a these things.  If you have plain walls, then you ma have easier placement features.  the other things have to be worked around.  I find using a furniture template, tape measure and  piece of graph paper, and I am all set.  You can do the same thing.  Measure your walls and draw them on graph paper, usually 1/4" equals 1 foot.  You can fill in the doors and windows.  You can make your own template by using the same paper and drawing out your little pieces of furniture, and move them around on the graph paper of your room.  I know you can do this on the computer, if you have the proper program and the time.  It is easy for me to do it the old fashioned way.

If you read this blog, and want a template, I can send you one for free, just pay the shipping and handling.  I only have a few left, so contact me immediately.  I will let you know what the shipping is, depending on your location.

Once you see your furniture on a piece of paper in front of you, it is easy.  Another thing to try is measure for instance your sofa.  Using newspaper, tape pieces together and make an outline of your sofa.  You can now move this around your room very easily.  Do this with each piece of furniture.

When you have this worked out, it is time to fill in the blanks.  These are the lamps, area rugs, and anything else you want to put in your room.

Wella!!!!!!!!!!!!  Your room is re-arranged.

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