Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A cozy, comfortable room

Newell Turner, Editor in Chief of House Beautiful Magazine quotes: " There is no ' One size Fits All' when it comes to rooms or to a house".

This is the same with furniture, color, accessorizing, or anything or room or part of your house.   It is your size, your taste and YOUR home.  Make it that way.

If you have so much money that you could do anything you wanted whenever you wanted and change it on a whim, that could be a different story.  Many of the famous designers, who did the multi - million dollar homes, constantly changed things.  If the owner didn't like it, change it, that simple.  Well in the real world, it is not that simple as most people work within a budget.  I think the most fun to be had in doing  house, is to do it completely with used things.  Are you aware of just what is really out there to buy in a given week.  Everything!

I have always wanted to do a complete house only from garage sales.  It can be done and done well. 

In a home, it seems to me that people gravitate to cozy, comfortable places.  The kitchen always seems to be a gathering place, so it should be warm, cozy and full of wonderful smells.

As a matter of fact, the whole house should be full of wonderful smells.  Do not over do the smells.  Use the same scent throughout.  Soy candles, that burn clean, offer wonderful smells.  Potpourri just sitting in  bowl smells wonderful.  I am not even sure they still make rings to fit on  light bulb and you add a few drops of scented oil in them and when the lamp is on it emits a wonderful fragrance.  There are so many things on the market to create wonderful smells ad so many to choose from.   A cozy, wonderfully warm feeling and a fabulous smell, make  a home feel good.

If you want  more drama, go bold and pretty, it makes a huge statement.

 Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan states: " Empty spaces allow the eye to rest".  You cannot possibly fill all the spaces in a room, that leads to clutter.  Are you a neat person or a cluttered person?  How would you characterize yourself.  .

If you are making lists, decide what has to stay and what can go to eliminate clutter if you have it.  If you are an extremely neat and organized person, you will avoid clutter.  I am somewhere in between.

Think about how you perceive yourself.

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