Friday, September 27, 2013

A Small Bit Today

Still talking about bathrooms, one easy thing you can do to give yourself a fresh look.  Buy some inexpensive fringe, I love to use Jo-Ann's as they always have a coupon.  Buy enough for either down the side, or across the bottom.  Sometimes two layers on the bottom is stunning if it shows well.  If not, as mine does, I put the fringe down the side and tied it back with the fringe.  I bought an inexpensive shower curtain in white and trimmed it in a beige fringe.  You can be as dramatic as you want, and get the look.  You don't even have to sew, they now make glues for fabrics.  Glue it on.  Another little trick is using a tassel on either the closet door, or a handle in the bath, it adds some charm, and gives your guests something to talk about.  Use things in different ways.  A small tray, can sit on the back of the commode and hold misc. items.

Change rug colors, depending on your color scheme.  Since I have blue and yellow stripes, I have a set of yellow rugs and blue rugs.  I like the blue rugs as they don't get as dirty as fast as the yellow ones.   They probably do, but you can't see it as quickly.  It is the same with towels.  I use a light color for my bath towels, and I like the oversize ones.  Then I buy different colored washcloths and hand towels.  I am a great fan of hand towels.

If you want to give your towels a stunning look, trim them with the same trim as you did on your shower curtain.

I seem to run out of time with all the things I want to do.  I make my to do list and I really need to finish one project then go to the next.

It is like the stack of paintings I need to start working on.  Teaching multiple classes a week and now I am adding more, I barely have time for preparation.  Commissions I do get done immediately, but they take me more time as I want them to be perfect.

I guess I am toooooo much of a perfectionist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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