Friday, August 2, 2013

Jumping around again

I think I will jump around a little bit today.

I still want to include more on bathrooms, but would also like to include foyers, hallways and entrances.

Most bathrooms enter off of a hallway, or out of  bedroom, or in the case of a Jack and Jill bathroom, will have a least 2 entrances.  So you want your hallway to look nice, as it is an entrance to all rooms, guests included.  Have you ever gone somewhere to stay or visit,  entered a room you were to use and thought OH NO!!  I have.  That is one reason, before we check into a hotel or motel, we ask to see the room.  I guess it is because I am a neat freak to an extent. 

I have seen hallways used as photo galleries, full of family photos, very interesting.  Places for collections or items from traveling.  A place for hanging tapestries, even beautiful Persian prayer rugs, or original picture galleries.  What ever you use on the walls of a hallway, make it interesting.  I used to have a 60' hallway.  It had 7 doorways leading off from it.  Back in the early 70' wallpaper was quite a rage.  I choose  a floral stripe for the bottom and a white vinyl or the top and added a chair rail.   It immediately made the hall look shorter.  Having the white top, I was able to hang whatever I wanted on it.  At that time, shag carpet was very in.  I chose a horizontal striped carpet of many colors that really looked great and took the toil of 6 children, running up ad down it.  It was  happy hall.  And best of all because of the colors, it never showed finger prints.  That is why today there are so many washable paints because of all the fingerprints.

My next house was 2 stories and had an upstairs hall and landing.  Again, I hung my paintings and a mirror, typical of the time with a chest under it. I also became fond of copper covered enamel pieces, by Bovano.  I still have them.  Now they are scattered about the house.  Actually there is one in the picture of the pool bath, a waterlily and 2 lily pads next to the sink, above the commode.

I look for timeless things, not fad things.  My big thing is "IF I LOVE IT, BUY IT!", I have told you this before.

My husband is the one that started that.  If we were traveling, and I saw something, I say "I really like that" and then put it back.  I always seem to regret things I never bought.  So now I buy. 

As you follow my blog, you will see all the things I have picked up and used in many ways.

I love beautiful light fixtures in a hall.  Especially crystal.  I love how light hits the prisms, and throws color everywhere.  It they are on a dimmer switch, it is ever so romantic.  I showed you the ones we just put up.  I also showed you the one above the tub in the master bath. I had to order more crystals as we realized that 14 were missing.  I can also add small shade to it for another look.  I can buy small shades at Ballard Designs.  they come in many colors and designs.  Perfect for a change and not to expensive for a different look.  I have used those little shades on old brass fixtures, wrought iron fixtures, and ones that have what I call naked candles.

One more thing in todays blog, hand cut crystal, Waterford, or others, on a window sill, throw such prisms in a room, it make it look so wonderful.  I love that effect.  Actually, I have a lot of cut glass things that were handed down from my family.

Look at you hallways differently today.  Do they talk to you?  Tell tales? Show off a collection? Are the pretty?  Are they dark? Tell me what they are like!!!!!!!!!!!!

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