Thursday, August 15, 2013

A bit of confidence!

The other day, I read several articles about confidence.  My reading goes in all directions as I teach also, and want my students to develop confidence.  That isn't something I can give you, but I can help you work up to it.  This is almost anything you can or try to do.  "Never Give Up".  When all else fails seek expert help.

I am surprised that no one who reads this blog ever asks a question.  As I write, I have questions for myself.  I write them down immediately.  I come across words that I can't either pronounce or know what they mean.  Plain English is what I know, not words that become fancy, and are used in connection with the design world.  Sometimes in my blog, I give you the definition of a word so you know what it means.

Today, I would like you to do me a favor and send all your friends my blog site: .  That may help me along.

For today, I want to talk about paint again.  I have a project that is copper.  By the way, copper is the new canvas for some acrylic artists.  I want to try it, but right now I am committed to other projects.  It is a copper pole that is attached to a ceiling fixture that had a black rustic look.  The copper had to be added to give the fixture length.  The thing is, it now needs to be the same color as the light fixture.  Upon hunting, I found a no prep metal paint by Deco Art.  It is black and as I paint it on and rub it off, it matches perfectly.  A little digging and you can find exactly what you want.

Back to confidence, If you just buy some poster board, and try some faux painting, you gain confidence in what you need to do.  It may also, make you totally give up and try something else.

There is a book, " Drawing on the Right Side of The Brain".  That is your creative side. I have read that there really are people who can teach themselves to be creative.

I am a firm believer that if you set your mind to do something "YOU CAN DO IT".

Let's jump back to design.  Take a room, any room in your house, and find a show stopping piece that fits in that room.  It could be nothing but a beautiful vase with fresh flowers, or a wow picture that you have found.  Set it down or hang in up, what ever and leave the room.  Do not go back until you need to go into that room.  Does it still give you the same effect?  Then start there.  If it doesn't, try another piece.  I tried a blue and white plate on a pedestal.  It has been there for a few weeks and it does nothing for me.  I need to try something else.  Today is that day.  I need to hunt the house first, then perhaps buy something.  I would love a beautiful piece of glass.  Just thought of something.  It is up on a plant shelf, it is a cobalt blue blown glass vase.  I will try it later.

Here is the plate on the seashell shelf:  I think it need height!

See the shelf above the picture.  This picture appeared in a previous blog.  Tomorrow, I will show you what it looks like before and after.  With the onset of computers and cameras or smart phones, we can do this so easily.
Tomorrow, before and after shots.  And maybe a little craft lesson.  I am so involved in so many things, that I will do bits and pieces of all the artistic world in blogs to come.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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