Sunday, August 25, 2013

A bit of bouncing around

I have mentioned Retro in previous blogs.  This seems to be a big trend now.  Even restaurants and businesses are going retro.

Furniture from the 40's, 50's and even the 60's is termed retro.  There are even retro colors.  They are the same ones you know only bolder or brighter.  Turquoise was a great retro color, along with red and bright yellow.  Today these colors are used a lot only in different shades.  I wrote about turquoise the other day, only a quieting color, calm as Caribbean waters.

A lot of these retro pieces have character that many other types do not have.  You either love it or don't care for it.  I have children who absolutely love it.  You cannot match it today with what is on the market, but you can mix it in.  It mixes well with things.  I will say that Martha Stewart has a few pieces that I would classify as retro pieces for the kitchen.

I  have also been noticing vintage Murano glass in magazines.  I've seen lamps and accessories that I know are of older style.  It is a romantic look.  It also mixes well with retro as there are some beautiful colors.  It mixes well with any type if furniture except country.  If you are lucky enough to find a vintage lamp,  Take it to a lamp shade store, and get a shade that does it justice. 

That is a whole other thing in design, Lampshades.  They come in variety of shapes, sizes, and colors.  I have even found nice ones at resale shops and trim them.  There is a lot you can do with lampshades.
This is one idea out of a magazine.  I have others, but at this second, I cannot put my hands on them.
You can add fringe to the bottoms, or any other type of embellishments.  I have even see denim pockets attached to them.  Use fabric glue.
I will look for other ideas and put them in my blogs as I find them.
When it comes to color in any of your rooms, if you are stuck in the same old thing, don't follow any rules, look to a garden for inspiration.
Vary the size and shape of items in your room.  Use a floor lamp for a different height instead of a table lamp.  I bought a Lucite floor lamp with a table and a magazine rack attached t it at a moving sale.  The shade is awful, and I want to find a prettier shape then make silk flowers ( not buy ones) to attach to it. The ones I have a pattern for are much more elegant.  I have the pattern, that is available to designers and workrooms.  If you are at all interested, write me and I can arrange for you to get one.
The Lucite helps create lightness in a darker area of my room.  I will do some before and after pictures this week.
Do you have a dark corner or area?  Write me and let's see if we can deal with it.

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