Today, I went to the Estate Sale, at 7:30 A.M. I ended up buying two matching lamps for $10.00 each. They both need new shades and they will be great. One reason is that they are definitely a Florida type lamp or a beachy lamp as they are ceramic and have bamboo on them, even though it is poured mold bamboo. They are creamy white in color so they will go anywhere. The good thing is that they are tall, and that is something very hard to find today. I may paint them. First new shades.
I also bought blue and yellow throw pillow (remember the queen of pillows) because it is needlework and has a rooster on it. Love it for $4.00.
I call that an eventful day.
Since I love country French, and I do have a lot of pieces that fit into that period, I am not the country, but the provincial French. There were a lot of roosters and that type of thing there.
So once you have total theme, stay within its bounds, and add bits and pieces from other periods.
Here is another bit on children's bedrooms.
They are no longer restrained by old school ideals for juvenile décor, but more mature so that it carries them for years. They like things that are "cool", "crazy", "clever" and still cozy. Pop art is popular for kids, because you can easily buy and frame posters of their favorites. Later pop the out and replace. If you keep the room more neutral, you can add colorful sheets, throws, and accessories, such as wastebaskets, desk accessories and clocks. There is just so much out there now.
Ikea has many items that can be useful for many, many years. One thing I will say though, furniture is not made to the quality some of us were used to 40 years ago.
Look around!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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