Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A bit on organization and kitchens

Since I started this blog, I have jumped from one bit to another piece, stating that color was the single most important thing in design.  IT STILL IS!!

But I would feel negligent in my duty if I didn't tell you to totally organize as you go.  While recently on a trip, I saw the large Tupperware head quarters.   I don't know why I was so surprised, as their products last and last.  Believe it or not, I sold Tupperware at that time in house parties.  I still use it and have a lot of pieces in my cupboards.  They really might  been one of the first organizers without realizing it.  That was back in the 60's.  There cereal savers kept your cereal fresh as long as it lasted.  It still does, I have 2 of them.  Along with many other pieces in my kitchen pantry.  The trick is to know what is in everything and keeping it fresh.  Glass jars work well as do jelly jars and peanut butter jars as they are plastic.  It you use the same brands, even their lids can match, making your cupboards look even more organized.  Store beans, rice, pastas, barley, brown sugar, different spices, and almost anything you can think of.

So let's talk about kitchens for the next couple of times, with a little extra here and there.

Do you have a lot of wall space in your kitchen?  Look and see what you have.  Let's start with back splashes.  Do you have a ceramic tile, or the newer glass tiles?  Do you just have a wall?
It you have tile, you can still hang small pictures from it.  Use the stick on hooks available every- where.  Goo Gone, a product that is out there, will clean all the sticky adhesive off the tile or any surface that has left over adhesive on it.  It is a great item to keep on hand.  I use it all the time.

If you have just plain walls, that are painted, you can faux paint them, with any type of faux for a great look.  I also love to use mirror squares.  They are great in a small area as they reflect the light  to make your kitchen look brighter.  I also have used wood or plastic medallions and placed them on the space under the cabinets for a different look and painted them a shade darker than the walls.  You may even want to place initials and paint them.

You could use a wall paper border next to the back splash for another great look.  Or consider stenciling.  The latter are the least expensive ways to go.  You can also start a gallery of small pictures, and have  fun changing small pictures from season to season.

All of these work for under cabinet looks.  You might even want to install lighting under your cabinet for more light.  They have ones that you can put up yourself.  Check home improvement places.

This again, is where color comes into play.  Many times this is a starting point for a home.  People spend the most times in the kitchen.  Even when you entertain, people seem to gather in the kitchen.  It is like the hub of the home.  Everything radiates from it.   So what color do we want?  What are we going to do with our back splash?  How much wall space do we have.  Do we have space above our cabinets?  How high are our ceilings?  Do I need to organize my cupboards or drawers? Do I need new light fixtures?  Do I need/want anything else?  Write all this down as we will attack each one, and hopefully, you will find your answers.

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