Friday, July 12, 2013

A Bit More on Walls

We've been talking lighting, walls, color and a vast amount of things in between.  Let's go back to walls and wallpaper.

In the 1950's and 60's, grass cloth became a popular wall covering.  Whatever type of paste was used, sometimes it was applied directly to drywall, a fairly new thing on walls.  Most walls were plastered until the late 50's early 60's.  Since drywall was not prepared, the paper stuck to it almost permanently.  It is comparable to Masonite that has been wallpapered.  It doesn't come off.  Great place for paintable wallpaper.  Today our walls are usually prepared.  If you are in a brand new home with contractor paint on your drywall, you may want to paint it with a good paint before wallpapering.

Back to grass cloth, it gives great texture to the walls.

In 1972, we bought a home that belonged to Al Capone.  In the 50's it was added on to, to make a 5000 sq. ft. home.  The huge living room and front hall were wallpapered in grass cloth, that had been painted over.  At first I tried to remove it and realized it was bonded to the drywall.  No alternative but to paint it.  I ended up painting it an antique white.  Then, there were only a few whites.  Today, there are so many shades of white.  We loved it and the texture it provided worked well for us.  In the 80's grass cloth made it's debut again.  It was a big trend, with many options, textures and colors.  It was very impressive and quite expensive.  As a designer, I used them a lot, even in commercial uses. 

Today,  2013, grass cloth is again making a big comeback.  "What goes around comes around".  It adds warmth and texture without pattern, so artwork or whatever you want to hang work perfect.

In teaching watercolors, I tell my students that every painting has a star and the rest is the supporting cast. Your eyes need to go into a painting, be drawn to the star and back out again.  Wallpaper is a good supporting star in a room to add so much.

This painting was sold, but I do have giclee'  copies of it in any size you want that is a great example.
This is a great example of a lot of design pieces.  1. The mother is the star.  2. The babies are the supporting cast 3. The background shows lights and darks giving great contrast 4. Your eyes travel around the painting in and off.
This is the same with a room.  Also, using grass cloth or plain walls, any art work can be hung. 
In the past, wallpaper was used everywhere.  People bought older homes and the first thing they did was remove the wallpaper, it was not the thing in the 2000's.  Kitchen and baths were pretty much always wallpapered.  They added punch to what were classified as drab rooms.
Tomorrow, more on this piece of information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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