Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A bit more on bathrooms

Hope you are enjoying the bits and pieces about bathrooms.

We left off yesterday with the pool bath and lighting.  Today I was reading about small spaces.  The articles covered all types of rooms, but no bathrooms.  To me they are the smallest areas in a home.  They also need character.  We talked yesterday about lighting.  I gave you a few examples you only saw part of this one, and here are a few more:

Here is the copper and enamel light fixture in the pool bath.  This was purchased by my mother in the early 70's.  I couldn't let it go.  It was very expensive then, now who cares what it is worth, I simply love it.
It is hung above a black double door chest that serves as storage for the pool towels.   Because the bathroom is so narrow, I could just get a picture of a portion of it.  It has a marble top and is black and trimmed in gold.  Very elegant and very serviceable.
Here you can see the lavender floor I talked about yesterday.  There is also a gold mirror hanging above it, that you saw yesterday.  Remember this is a pool bath, and everything in it is elegant.  I just couldn't part with these things.  Another cool thing is my silent butler.  I bought him years and years ago at Bombay Company ( which no longer even exists). That was my most favorite store ever.  I hated to see it close.  Every time I walked in the door, I walked out with something.  I use him for many different things.  I use him at my studio to place a basket with flyers in for people to take.  I use him at my front door for parties, that tells you to watch your step.  I use him in the bathroom to hold soaps, shampoo, or whatever and now he's in the pool bath, holding extra towels. Here he is just getting older:
He has a tray to hold anything.  I even set a larger tray on top of his and it serves many purposes.  even drinks at the front door.
Remember " IF YOU LOVE IT, BUY IT", and you will find it a home.
These are the things that make a room special.  This is a long narrow bath room and see all that is used in it.  It has a shower, extra lighting, storage, that wasn't there, and a silent butler, that doesn't require to be paid..
More on bathroom tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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