Sunday, June 23, 2013

A budget piece

Now that we have picked out a plan and a color scheme, it is time to decide on a budget.

Your first decision is to decide if this is going to be a long term goal or a short term project.  Give yourself some sort of time frame, that way you will reach the goal you want.  Doing a total room all at once is a very expensive project.  I suggest that if you can't afford to do it all at one time, you decide the importance of each item, buying the necessary things first.  Do it a step at a time, and you will be rewarded by what you have done. Another thing that comes into play, is where you are in life. Some are young and just starting out, others are quite established with careers, others are retired or getting ready to retire ( the large amount of Baby Boomers ).  Some just want change and can well afford whatever they want.  This is not the vast majority.

After reading the following steps, use the following chart to help you reach your goal.

     1.  Write down on the following chart, the amount of money you have allocated for your project.
          Use either a monthly, weekly budget amount or a monthly payment plan, or however, you plan
          on paying for your purchases.

     2.  List the items you need (or want) in the proper column on your chart.  Go back to the section
          on the plan.  Using that information, make your list accordingly. 
          Main Area
          Secondary Area
          Minor Area

     3.  Number items as to priority.  At this point you should have a feeling of what you need
          or want.  Either rewrite your list, or just leave it numbered.

If you are starting from scratch, you should have an extensive list.  If you already own most of (or some of) your furniture, follow the same guide lines as above.  The difference will be in your priorities.  You may want to change window treatments, change accents, or just look for fresh new ideas.   You may just want to slipcover or reupholster one or more pieces.  A reputable upholsterer will tell you if the piece is even worth being done.  Older pieces are much studier than newer pieces.
Some of your older brands are worth redoing and keeping.  In a short term project, you may just want to update color.  I told you, I love resale shops and garage sales, so I have a notebook that I keep "I Want" information in and if I see it, I buy it.  Recently I saw a small lamp made of resin antlers.  I bought it for $1.00, and set it out on the lanai (Florida term for large screen porch).  My son-in-law loved it so I gave it to him.  A good deed for $1.00.

Here is the List:
Budget allocations:
Short term:
Long term:
Time payments, charges, etc.
List of items needed (or wanted):
Priority List:
This is now starting to seem like a homework piece.

Take your time doing this the reward will be fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!  Trust me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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