Friday, June 14, 2013

A bit from yesterday

Yesterday I talked about tear files.  The following is one that I tore, circled and am working on for my bedroom.

I like the arrangement on the left side of the bed on the wall.  It won't work in my bedroom as I have windows on each side, with a nightstand  (bed table) in front of each window.  I can however, use it farther to the left.  I like the mirror, and the plates combined with a picture.  I have the wall space to do it, if I find the right mirror, and size my picture to fit. In choosing a picture, I want something smaller, so I am going at this moment to choose the following:

This peony has many of the bedroom colors in it and it is another of my originals.
Go to  to see other paintings.  this one is smaller and
will fit perfectly.  I switch my painting from my studio to home and vice versa, as I don't have enough space in either for all my work.
It is important to formulate your complete plan before making any purchases.  If you are using what you already have, start with a list of those items.  If you are starting from scratch, you have all options open.
Just like the picture above, I am just changing a little bit in my room to change the feeling.
Your plan should start with a list of the following: (again, write all this into your journal).
Colors you like
Types of furniture you prefer
Furniture you already have
How you entertain
Type of entertaining you do
Traffic patterns in your room
Personal preferences of family members
If I am out and see a shape of a piece of furniture I like, usually a small piece, I purchase it as I love small pieces.  Most of the time, you can return them if they just don't work.  Pier 1, has many of these type of pieces.
Do this each time you start a room.  Do this even if you just want to spruce up your room, move things around, add some new accessories or a new piece of furniture.  Seeing the above in writing, may help give you new ideas for re-arranging your furniture.
Til tomorrow, start tearing!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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