Sunday, December 29, 2013

Start the New Year New in Your Home

I'd like to try an experiment with those of you who read my blog.  Since we are almost into the new year, I would like you to make a list of how you want your house to look in 2014 and beyond.

I have decided to start with bedrooms, and I would like to replace a piece of carpeting with tile.  That is my first wish.  while I am working on that, I will clean out my drawers and get rid of everything I don't want or haven't worn in years.  I am a saver and I am going to organize my drawers.  One thing I like to use are decorative boxes.  I usually find great ones at either Hobby Lobby or JoAnn Fabrics.  Either square or round hat boxes for storage.  I need one for scarfs.  They are making a comeback and I have a lot of them.  So I need to find a storage box for them.  Once I have my drawers cleaned out, I am going to paint the room.  I think I'm going to use either a pale, pale turquoise or a pale , pale yellow.  I need to get my samples out and pick my color.  It is the cheapest way to decorate and give my house a fresh new look.  So my first goal is to pick a color and to call a carpet person to see what I can do with this traffic area.  I may just tile my closet also.

Start with a number one project, write it down and decide what to do first.  This is something you can ask me about.  Just e-mail me or leave a message for me on this blog.

Let's see if together , we can make 2014 a really feel good year in your hoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Get Ready for the New Year

Christmas is over, and recovery time is now.  Yesterday, I did the traditional after Christmas sale.  I spent more this year than I ever have, but I bought some really neat presents for next year.  That is my M O (mode of operandi).

One thing I did discover, the Santa Key I talked about is a yearly thing.  I bought some with a totally different picture of Santa on them in porcelain.  I got each of the children one.  Waterford and collectible ornaments are all at least I/2 price.   So if that is what you give, now is the time to buy.

Now is the clean up and putting away of all those precious things.  I decided this year to pack things differently than I have in the past.  I will put the collections together better.  I guess my next trip out is for more containers.  Once everything is put away neatly, it is time to really clean the house.  As the trees come down, that area can use a really good vacuuming, wood work either washed well or painted.  In my case, it probably needs painting.  I really would like to have all my rooms painted this year, so I have to make a decision.

I have decided to change bedrooms around.  I am going to change the colors in the master bedroom, and the large guest room.  I am in love with pale turquoise.  So that is a definite.  I also love lavender, and what I call lavender blue.  In the large guest room, I will just switch the dust ruffles, as I use two on the large beds with high mattresses.  I will show you soon.  The duvet fits any king size bed, so everything I have will work.  I will need to make new cornices for each room.  If you haven't seen then, go to my website:  I will say that the prices are changing on the first of the year.  There is not a limit on what you spend at the moment, even though the website says there is.  If it won't let you, email me at:

Tomorrow, redoing my house.  First the plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Last of Christmas Decorating

This is it, the last day of my Christmas blog!  Here are all the other pictures, but not all as I didn't even do the outside.  I will save all that for next year.

Living Room
Snowman Candle
Whether the internet is so busy today or what,I have been getting thrown off, so I gues this is it!
I will write again on Thursday, letting you know all the sales available after Christmas.  That is my time to buy!  As I look around my house,  I really forgot about both manger scenes.  I have decided to start a collection of them for the next year.  Will let you know.  I went to the stores yesterday and just tried to hone in on things I might want.  I think I am just a Mrs. Santa, because I just can't get enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas to All



Sunday, December 22, 2013

More Ideas!

It's only a few more days til Christmas and everyone should be finished with all decoration.  That is unless, your tradition is to decorate on Christmas eve.  That is what my parents did.  In those days, most people did it that way.  Santa was supposed to do all that.  Then came the time when before Thanksgiving the stores started to display Christmas decorations and Christmas became commercialized.  Our newspaper today, had a section on Traditions.  That is what I have been talking about.  It also talked about Christmas collections.  I have shown you many of mine, but not nearly what I have.  So here are a few more:

Here is a few of the snowmen I have.  These are acrylic and have magnetic arms.  I have had these since the early 90's.

This is a cute blue and white snowman I found at Beall's Outlet years ago.
These are two snowmen that we bought at Lowe's years ago.  The 2 red and white trees, I bought at Macy's after Christmas last year.  They match the snowmen.  They are all glittery.
Here is my dining room chandelier.  First I wrap it with fake pine garland.  When we lived up north, I used real garland.  Here in Florida, you really don't see a whole lot and it is a mess to clean up.  I then layer it with a silver bendable spray.  I use 4 of them and manipulate them so they look good.  I then place red and silver berries and entwine them with the silver spays.  When that is done, I lay red berries on the top to give it a traditional look. 
These jars are used for many things all year round.  As you can see, they are right under the chandelier.  Right now they are filled with red glass balls as the Dining Room is in red, silver and white.  The red votive candle holders were bought years ago also.  I find that everyone tends to be drawn to the same things and when you pull everything out, It all matches.
I have already had my eye on things that are on sale or next year.  Rearrange what you have, or add something different and see how it changes.
Tomorrow will be my last Christmas one until next year, except for what I buy, I will let you know.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Scenes of Christma

Just a week until Christmas, so I will be showing a lot of pictures in the next few days.

This is another part of my Department 56, Snow Village.   This one is in one of the guest room where my grandchildren sleep when visiting. Our great granddaughter stays with us on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and it serves as her night light.

This scene is on the desk in the kitchen.  It is like the town center and it is appropriate as the kitchen is a gathering place when you have company. 

This scene is in the master bedroom, not for any purpose than to have something there for the holidays.  I will have to work on that or next Christmas.

This tree is outside on the lanai.  The nutcrackers are on the inside window sill.  When you start a collection, put it out for all to see.  As you add to it, you will have to move it.

These are the willow angels and church.  I was lucky enough to buy it in a garage sale for a super price.  I added glass candles with oil in them.  It makes a great setting on the other end of the window sill.

Tomorrow more Christmas!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

More Christmas Decorating

I have been trying to write this blog or several days and haven't been able to download my pictures.  I may have shown these before, but stick with me, I will publish many each day.  So let's try again today:

Here is a great idea for the back of the commode.  Take a small piece of greenery and shape it to the size you need.  Using a glue gun, glue in glass balls in the color you want.  Then add silver or gold sprays, or any color or that matter.  I found the best sprays at Hobby Lobby.
This is the top of the chest in the pool bathroom, where the blue and green commode arrangement is sitting.  This is part of my Dept. 56, snow village.  I used parts of it all over the house.  It also lights up the bathroom when you have company, and the children love it.
This is the rest of the above house.  I just cut cotton and move the pieces around.
This is another arrangement I made the same way to match the room.  The angels are from many, many years ago.  I really never light the candles unless I use them somewhere in the house that they are safe to use.  You can see the flowing to the blue and yellow tree.
This is the fireplace in the same room as the above.  Here again are some reindeer, that there are a few in different areas in the house.  To the right is my crystal Waterford tree.  I have been collecting those for quite a long time.  The white clothed Santa's, is kind of a new thing with me.  I think they are different and more elegant.  I made the weath several years ago.
Today I read that JoAnn Fabrics has 70% off Christmas things.  Time to go SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Decorating the Guest Bathroom

How about the story of Mr. Elf, (elf on a shelf)?  I have carried it to a different level.  Here is our elf on the shelf in the guest bathroom.  I have had this elf long before the elf on the shelf came out.  We now have 3 of them in the family.  Each child has his own elf at his or her house, and I have the original one.  The others have names like Mr. Jingles, and Mr. Jingles 2.

 First, I added blue Christmas (sparkling with silver) hydrangeas to the existing floral arrangement.  I also added some white shimmering balls.  The two acrylic snow people that I have had for ages and a blue and white cut crystal votive holder, to tie in all the blues in the room. 

On the window sill in that bathroom, I added a snowman plate on an easel, An I believe sign in blue and silver, tow blue angels and the blue and white snowman.  No of this was bought at the same time, just collected over the years.  Now I just put it together for the first time.
Just for tonight, Mr. Elf, whom we use when great grandchildren visit, has perched himself on the window sill and knocked over the one angel and turned the other backwards and has the sign laying on his foot.  Elves are mischievous.
We all know that Mr. Elf is magical and you cannot touch him as he will lose his magic.  But tomorrow morning, be sure that he will leave a gift for the child in the house.  Boy, and if anyone is bad, he will disappear and not come back until you are really good.  It works miracles.  Our great granddaughter has seen him fly.  She is positive.  And tomorrow morning, he will find a new place to sit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Legend of the Candy Cane

Today while I was teaching, I heard the legend of the candy cane.

It was originated by a pastor many, many years ago.  At that time, he wanted to give something to the children that was a sign of Christmas.  He had a candy maker in his flock, so he talked to him.  Babies, while teething during this time, had a sweet candy type white stick that the sucked on.  He asked the candy maker if he could make a white candy strip to look like a Shepard's staff to hang on their tree.  So he did.

Then 3 thin red lines were added to the cane to depict the slashes across Christ's back.  The wider stripe was added for the blood he shed for us.  It can hang on the tree once as that is what Christ did.

Giving someone a candy cane for Christmas is giving them the hope of Christ.

What a nice Legend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Family room Christmas

I mentioned previously about the legend of the pickle.  I did buy each of my children a pickle ornament for their trees.  The first one to spot the pickle does get a special gift from Santa.  I had to check to remember.

Here are a few more areas that are done:

This Santa is on an old fashioned tricycle.  I bought him years ago at Bombay Company.  I think I have told you that I absolutely loved their store.  I was just sick when it closed.  He adds a little spirit to the fireplace hearth as it is flat with the floor, not like a traditional hearth.

years ago.The wreath over the fireplace sits on a wreath holder designed to hold wreathes.  I bought it a Pier 1,  years ago.  I do believe I have seen them at stores since.  It stands about three feet tall.  To the right of it is a silver tree that holds my Waterford collectable crystal ornaments.  I guess I have collected them for so long, I had to buy the gold tree.  The reindeer have been collected over the years, I have several more.  The white Large Santa dressed in white was a gift.  The other two re just tree toppers that I just found somewhere.  All of this is set off by crystal votive candles.  I like to use real votive candles as I think they are so much prettier than the fake ones. 
This is in the family room next to the blue and yellow tree, s you can see it the picture.  These are some of the angels I collected a long time ago, and I always have collected Christmas plates.
This kind of separates the tree from the mantel, but leads into it.
Christmas decorating is like decorating, I start a theme and color scheme and carry it through.  I use different themes as you can see from what I have showed you.  One thing is they all go together as their one color in common is green fir or spruce.   
Tomorrow - Bathrooms at Christmas.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bits I Promised on Christmas

Sorry, no blogs or a few day. I had an open house at my studio today, so I have been preoccupied with that.

Here are a couple of things that I said I would post.  First here is the top of the blue tree:

Actually it is our blue and gold tree.  It was the first Florida tree we bought after realizing that real trees didn't last too long in Florida.  Again, I want a lighted angel for the top of my trees.  Do you know how difficult that is?  I found the large one at Macy's last year and a friend found one at a garage sale this year for me so I have an extra one.  I also have one that the lights no longer work, and I want them to work.  To me, a tree needs an angel on the top!!!!!!!!!!  There is a children's book about that, but I really don't remember too much about it.  Will have to research it out.
Now here is the I Believe In Santa, pillow:
As you know, I am know as the pillow queen in our family.

Tomorrow, the red and white pillows in the Living Room.  The above one is in the family room.  Now is the best time to shop as all Christmas things are on sale.  I said I would buy nothing this year, and I added to the sprays on the tops of the trees and bought another tree, its on a little one, but it is outside and decorated.  More to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Little bit Lazy today

I have had an extremely busy day and really haven't had time to take any pictures, so unfortunately, I have no new one to show you.

I will however, give you a few hints. 

 First of all, you can about get any Christmas decorations for at least 50% off  right now.  That really surprises me this year.  I love to use garlands, wreaths and greenery.  I am using a piece of greenery and gluing blue ornaments and silver pieces of a spray onto it for the back of one of my commodes( toilets).  I promise I will take a picture of it tomorrow.  I have shopped a lot at Hobby Lobby this year for 50% off.

First thing in the A.M. I will take pictures and post several tomorrow evening.

On my dining room chandelier, I string a garland through the chandelier.  Then I take sprays of silver and red, and weave them through the garland.  Then I set some berries that I bought about 15 years ago on top.  Under the chandelier, I fill large decorative jars with red glass balls.  It is funny, but some of these things are so old such as the glass balls and they have the price tags on them from years ago.  The price is $2.99 for a box f 12 glass balls.  I even have some that the box of 16 smaller ones for $1.99.  I may just leave the prices on things so years from now, I can see what I paid way back then.

I am a saver.  A friend just borrowed my old cookie press and my rosette maker.  She loves the rosettes, and had never even heard of them before.  She said that why go to the store to buy something, just ask me as they are sure I will have it.  Although, I don't clutter.  I love a neat house.  A place for everything and everything in it's place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Foyer or Entrance

The decorating for the Holidays is progressing.  I just didn't have time to take any new pictures today.  The blue tree is done.  I changed the top and added the beads today.  Not sure what pictures I have saved for this bog.  This is the entry way inside the house. 

I bought this candle holder at an Estate sale for $5.00.  It holds 15 votive candles.  It didn't look quite right just sitting there by itself, so I bought a plain green wreath, and using my glue gun, added holly berries to it and some silver looking icicles to it.  Remember to fluff all greenery that you buy that is made to look like pine.  Usually they are pretty flat.  all I do it straighten the branches and fluff the needles.  This sits to the left as you walk in the door
On the right is a niche that always has a mirror in it.  The candle sticks were a gift years ago.  However, the bowls that are sitting in the candlesticks are from my mother.  I remember them from the 50's.  I have pearls and red glass balls in them.  I will do close ups so you can see these better.  I have never seen them anywhere in all the years I have shopped.  The little reindeer have been collected since the 70's. and the wreath is from the 8's.  If you take care of things and pack them properly, you will have your things for a very long time.
It ornaments are wrapped individually in either tissue or in dryer sheets, they stay clean.  Dryer sheets do a very good job and literally cost nothing if you save them after each load.
Do you have any hints?  If so, please let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, December 2, 2013

A Piece on the Legend of the Santa Key

Here is the Legend of Santa's Key:
Our stockings hang upon the wall;
We have no fireplace at all!
You see the problem is quite clear;
Santa, how will you get in here?
We heard a legend-is it true?
Of magic only you can do.
We'll leave out this special key,
We've marked it "Santa" so you can see.
Your magic makes the key fit right,
so you can get inside that night.
Thank you Santa-Here's our key,
The milk & cookies are on me!
So here is the special key, hanging on my special tree.  To be put out on Christmas Eve so Santa is sure to see!!
This is a delightful tradition.  I got the key last year at Dillard's, but if you are clever, you can make your own.  You can add the poem yourself.
This is how a tradition starts.  If you have little ones and have no fireplace, it would be a lovely tradition to start.
More on trees tomorrow.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Red Tree is Done

I am elated, I finished the Living Room tree, know as the red and white tree.  Here it is:

In this picture it looks like a Mardi Gras, but it really is beautiful. At night it sparkles with the lights on and the red balls on the inside and lots of crystal.  I use strings of pearls to add to the beauty.  I have been collecting ornaments forever.  Some are from friends, family, gifts full of memories.  Many have come from special places.  A ballerina from our trip to Russia where we saw a Russian Ballet.  My favorite one is from Germany, and all my Waterford ones.  I have been into the Waterford collecting for many years.

Here is  gold tree that are just limbs, and it holds my Waterford blown ornaments , and other special ones.  I have a silver tree with some of my Waterford crystal ornaments that I have collected since 1990.  I will try and do a close up of that tree tomorrow.

On this buffet in the dining room,  I have a paper mache' Baby Jesus, Mary, kneeling holding him and Joseph standing to the right with his staff.  I bought this in the 1970's, and they have porcelain  hand painted faces.  I will do a close up tomorrow on their faces.  I save everything, and will hand down my things to my grandchildren and my great grandchildren.  I have already given a lot away to my children if they really want it. 

Many years ago, I found a little kidney pillow in green velvet trim with gold braiding.  It had "I Believe" embroidered on it.  My oldest daughter feel in love with it, and A few years ago, I came across a similar one in red and bought it for her.  I add to all my children's collections each year.  My family was so into Christmas when I as growing up.  All of  my children are so into it today.  We could probably have more than any store if we put everything together. 

Send me ideas from your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!